Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dermatologists and how to improve my skin free from acne

How many times do you wash your face? - How many times did you used to wash your face before you got acne? You see most people don't even care about their skin until acne appears and than they beat themselves thinking why didn't they take care of their skin in the past.
Mild acne can be treated by washing with mild soap and water and a topical cream such as benzoyl peroxide, but moderate or moderately severe acne should seek the assistance of a dermatologist. Because a dermatologist has training in skin conditions, he/she would be able to determine the best course of action to treat acne as every case is different. Whatever regimen you decide on, the treatment will take from four to eight weeks to be effective. Be patient and whatever you do, do not pick or pop your pimples. This will lead to scarring which is even less attractive than the acne.
The huge billion dollar companies like Pro Active are NOT the permanent solution to getting rid of your acne for good. As a proven testimony to this - I struggled for FIVE years in my teenage life completely using the WRONG method to curing my acne. Hugely embarrassed, I made regular trips to the dermatologists/doctors almost every other week looking for some way of curing my acne. I NEVER found that solution from the doctors. I'm going let you in on a simple, yet perfect secret that these companies don't want you to know about. The secret is that large, systic acne is a sign of bad bacteria in the pores of the skin. This negative bacteria also affects other areas of the health, but accumulates in the face - revealing in the form of acne.
tags: acne fclear diet what to eat, salicylic acid clears up shoulder acne, acne treatment-home remedies

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