Monday, August 4, 2008

Do over the counter acne medicaation work and dht acne zinc

• Aloe vera is nature's healing plant. It is quite helpful for faster fading and healing of blotchy acne scars. You may use aloe vera in the form of gels, moisturizers or creams, best if it's in its organic pure form. Some products claim such but is otherwise, so take time to research on the right one. One good brand is Fruit of the Earth.
Lemon juice and rose water makes up an effective solution that can get rid of your acne, and the marks left behind by acne. And from my personal experience it's the most effective out of any other acne treatments. What you do is actually quite simple, you mix these two ingredients together, 50/50% each. Then you apply the solution to a cotton pad or sponge which you then apply to your acne marks. Leave on for 30 minutes or so, then wash off with warm water!
Vegetable oil is commonly eaten as a cooking oil like sunflower oil. It's a simple thing to avoid, and the difference it makes to your skin is fantastic. There are other things I do, but avoiding this is the most important by far.
tags: acne treatment reviews, acne skin care for blacks, food allergies acne cleanse

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